Q: What is TiTi Protocol?

TiTi Protocol is a No-Liquidation-Risk and Revenue-Earning Stablecoin 100+% collateralled by Multi-Asset-Reserve, aiming to provide diversified and decentralized financial services based on the crypto-native stablecoin system and autonomous monetary policy. TiUSD is the stablecoin issued by TiTi Protocol. We can’t find an similar project but you can think of us like MAKERDAO without liquidation risk, FRAX with our bankrun, Terra Stablecoin backed by more crypto native tokens like eth, btc etc. TiTi Protocol has achieved an ingenious balance between stability and growth by designing a new paradigm. On the one hand, TiTi-AMMs and Multi-asset Reserve greatly ensure the stability of the TiUSD, the stablecoin issued by the protocol. On the other hand, Use-To-Earn significantly stimulates the use value of TiUSD, which guarantees the long-term growth of the protocol. As we pursue to take over the torch of algorithmic stablecoins and bring a brand new solution to DeFi and Web3 ecology. TiTi Protocol's new use-to-earn token economic design will maximize the benefits of defi users and enable the interoperability of algorithmic stablecoins with other defi projects.

Q: What is TiTi?

TiTi is the Protocol governance token

Q: What is TiUSD?

TiUSD is the first use-to-earn algorithmic stablecoin pegging to $1.

Q: How to get TiUSD?

  • Swap TiUSD in TiTi-AMMs.

  • Buy TiUSD from other DEXs.

Q: What is a Use-To-Earn?

The first-ever use-to-earn stablecoin allow users to earn revenue by using the algorithm in a Merkle proof way.For example, a user can use TiUSD for payment, purchase NFTs, perform a transaction or use TiUSD in a designated scenario. Use-to-earn is determined by DAO-Governance to benefit stakeholders.

Q: What is unique about TiTi’s stablecoin design?

The unique feature of TiTi Protocol is use-to-earn, multi-asset reserve issuance and ReOrders.

  • First of all, TiTi is a protocol supporting multiple assets for stablecoin issuance. Moreover, we have designed a Position Controller to actively control the collateral assets ratio. The design can refrain from single-point risk. Meanwhile, with multiple mainstream crypto assets as collateral, this will help break the ceiling for stablecoin issuance while others can not.

  • The pegging system in TiTi Protocol is called ReOrders. ReOrders has two core functions: a) By adjusting the number of TiUSD in TiTi AMMs, the Reorders can rebalance TiUSD and another token is AMMs so that the price of TiUSD is always kept at $1 in due time; b) By adjusting the number of Reserve Tokens in TiTi AMMs, on the premise that the total reserve value (collateral asset)of the protocol is equal to the circulating volume of TiUSD. Reorder can collect slippage during a market-making cycle. (In essence, ReOrders is similar to a market maker strategy running on TiTi AMMs).

  • Use-To-Earn mechanism: Because we hope to stimulate the use-value of TiUSD as a trading medium, the incentive method for TiUSD users will not adopt Olympus's stake mechanism. Instead, TiTi adopts Merkle Distribution's Incentive distribution method, TiUSD users will be able to capture revenue while using TiUSD. We will design incentive behaviors based on operational goals. In the future, this right will be decided by DAO Governance.

Q: What are the key use cases for TiTi’s stablecoin(TiUSD)?

  • As a completely decentralized stablecoin, users can holdTiUSD as safe-haven assets, free from geopolitical constraints and regulatory reviews.

  • As a stablecoin pegging to $1, TiUSD is perfect to play its role as a trading medium for all traders, e.g. crypto-asset traders, Quantitative Trader leveraged miners.

  • Unlike any other decentralized stablecoin, TiUSD users can earn passive revenue by simply holding TiUSD. This is the unique feature of the TiTi Protocol. Users can earn extra revenue just by using TiUSD. For example, a user can use TiUSD for payment, purchase NFTs, perform a transaction or use TiUSD in a designated scenario. Use-to-earn is determined by DAO-Governance to benefit stakeholders.

Q: How does TiTi differentiate from other stablecoins?

TiTi is quite different from others in several points.

  • No liquidation risk: Compared with MAKERDAO/ MIM and such over-collateralized stablecoin, TiTi has zero liquidation, so this mean titi is more user friendly. Since Abrakadabra's core mechanism is an over-collateralization model, it faces the same problem as MakerDAO in terms of capital utilization. TiUSD uses a Reserve-based PCV mechanism, so the performance of capital utilization will be Better than MIM;

  • Broad User adoption For OHM: In terms of stability mechanism, TiUSD and OHM are more similar, both protocols can guarantee the stability of the Token value through 100% backed reserve assets. But, in contrast, TiUSD has the following advantages:

  • The scalability of multi-asset issuance, and the Rainy Day Fund, which uses slippage as a continuous source of funds, has improved the protocol's robustness in dealing with market fluctuations and insufficient Reserve Ratios;

  • TiUSD has better liquidity. In TiUSD, all Reserve assets will be used as the liquidity provision of TiTi AMMs. As TiTi Protocol continues to accept more and more crypto assets as reserves, the corresponding TiTi AMMs will have more and more trading pairs, such as TiUSD-ETH, TiUSD-COMP, TiUSD-Alpha, etc. This will further increase the value of TiUSD as a trading medium. In Olympus, most OHM holders will choose to stake OHM in order to capture the additional issuance of OHM, which is not conducive to the creation of stablecoin use-value;

Q: How to earn income from TiTiProtocol?

  • Mint TiUSD to earn TiTi (Buy TiUSD to earn TiTi).

  • Participate in MMF, provide risk-free unilateral liquidity to TiTi-AMMs, and earn slippage+TiTi+Transaction Fee (Slippage will be issued in the form of TiTi).

  • Use or hold TiUSD to earn protocol fee in the form of use-to-earn (protocol fee will be distributed to users in the form of TiTi).

  • Provide TiUSD-XToken liquidity to earn income.

  • Participate in TiTi-Staking to earn TiTi Rewards.

Last updated