Architecture Type's Terms
TiTi-AMMs: Monopoly Auto Market Maker or TiTi's AMM. The monopoly market maker system means that for certain stocks listed on the exchange, only one designated market maker can be responsible for market making. The typical representative is the expert system of the New York Stock Exchange.
Multi-Assets Reserve: TiUSD is a stablecoin issued backed by asset reserve, ETH, WBTC, DAI etc.
Reorders: An original stabilizing mechanism enables TiUSD peg to $1 effectively.
MMF: Market Making Fund, the fund are assets portfolio in contract provide by users for unilateral market making without any limit.
LP Mining: Liquidity providers can mint rewards by staking their LP Token.
Use-To-Earn: Use TiUSD to earn TiTi rewards according the TiTi Tokenomics.
TiTi Staking: Stake TiTi token to the TiTi Staking Pool to earn TiTi rewards.
Rewards Epoch: In TiTi Protocol, the incentive plan is formulated in cycles, which we call Rewards Epoch.
Fund Type's Terms
PRV: Protocol Reserve Value, the market Value brought by all TiTi mint. PRV can only be used to buyback TiUSD.
PAV: Protocol Added Value, Protocol accumulated revenue through TiTi trading in all internal TiTi M-AMM.
MMF's PAV USDC Rewards: This reward is just a reference value, When the user withdraws USDC, the user's remaining staked value is seen as the latest principal, and the calculation of received USDC rewards is restarted.
Protocol Fee: The TiTi protocol will capture the added value generated by the protocol in different ways. These values can be regarded as Protocol Fee. The sources of Protocol Fee include but are not limited to the following aspects:
Part of the funds in PAV;
External revenue captured by PRV;
Fee collected from other products in the future;
Rainy Day Fund: As mentioned above, part of PAV will be allocated to the Rainy Day Fund to deal with the possible future risks of the protocol in extreme situation, black swan or the grey rhino etc. Risk Reserve will be managed through decentralized governance and be used only after the community on-chain governance.
TiTi-AMM's Liquidity: Total TiUSD and USDC amount in the TiTi-AMMs swap pool, these tokens are used for swapping liquidity.
Index Type's Terms
TiTi-AMMs's Price Impact: The slippage against the user's trading volume in TiTi-AMMs.
TiTi Rewards tAPY: This token APY(tAPY) based on current prices of TiTi, current epoch's reward rate and the proportion of your staked value in the entire pool. This part of the reward requires the user to manually claim.
MMF's PAV USDC vAPY: This variable APY(vAPY) based on today's partial PAV(USDC) accumulated through ReOrders. These USDC reward will be automatically increased to your staked value with each ReOrders to achieve the effect of compound interest, you will see your staked value continue to increase.
LPMining's Trading Fee vAPY: This token APY(tAPY) based on current prices of TiTi, current epoch's reward rate and the proportion of your staked value in the entire pool. This part of the reward requires the user to manually claim.
Use-To-Earn's Distributed Rewards: This is the total TiTi reward that a user can get as confirmed by all incentives for different actions.
Use-To-Earn's Claimable Rewards: The protocl distributes TiTi rewards to users through Merkle Distribution at regular intervals according to the user's Distributed Rewards. We call this distribution period Cycle (usually each cycle is 7 days). After each distribution, the user will You can claim all unclaimed TiTi Token rewards accumulated from the beginning to the latest agreement issuance through the claim button provided on the front end.
TiUSD's Reserve Ratio: PRV ratio against TiUSD circulation.
Last updated